Join in on the fun of this Cache Valley tradition with match play for everyone.
Cache Challenge
July 9 - 11
For Juniors, draws will be a round robin. Matches will be an 8 game pro set with playoff. No add scoring, with a 7 point tie-breaker at 8 games all.
Juniors: Boys and Girls
14's and 18's

Deadline: July 2
For 18 & over adults, Singles will play best of 3 sets and Doubles will play 8 game pro set with regular scoring.
Men 3.0 - 4.5 Singles
Women 3.5 Singles/Doubles
Women 4.0 - 4.5 Singles
NTRP Combo 7.0 & 8.0 Doubles
Deadline: July 1
Logan Parks & Recreation
195 S 100 W, LOGAN, UT
Trent Shorter - Tournament Director
