On April 20-21 in Las Vegas, NV, the sectional TEAM USA Camp was developing future rising stars of tennis. This exciting opportunity took place in conjunction with USTA Intermountain Section and the USTA Player Development department.
The camp is directed by 8 working Intermountain coaches and 2 lead national coaches. 24 players (12 boys and 12 girls) ages 10-13 participated. Player ID and Development works closely with the Section Player Development staff and Coaches Commissions to select the players invited to these camps.
All involved deemed the event a major success! The kids, parents, and coaches were all engaged and excited to be a part of this chance to grow, compete and learn.
Below is a list of the coaches and players that attended.
National Coaches: Francisco Montoya and Paul Walker
Sectional Coaches: Ben Coates (NV), James McGee (NV), Jake Lysgaard (NV), Scott Schneider (NV), Adoloph Huddleston (NV), Nikol Winston (NV), Mike Phillips (CO), and Holly Hasler (UT)

Players from Utah
Lu lu Shiozawa
Jia Byun
Andie White
Ivy Bergeson
Bryson Hasler
Stinson Firpo
Joey Boud
TJ Huynh

We extend a special congratulations to Stinson Firpo (holding sign on right) and Andie White (holding sign on left) for earning the Sportsmanship Award!
