Mix a party atmosphere with a team of Tennis Friends and you have the perfect 4SCORE event.

A match consists of 16 games:
8 games played by 1st doubles team.
8 games played by 2nd doubles team.
Players switch court ends after 4 games, No Ad Scoring.
Sudden death tie break at 4-4.
Cheer, chat and coach away!
The team with the most cumulative games won will be awarded 1st place.
This event will not count toward your NTRP. Told ya' this is just for fun.
Check out the 4SCORE dates coming up in April and May.
Friday, April 5
Friday, April 12
Friday, April 26
Friday, May 10

A list of these and other events are found on UtahTennis.com home page.
Gretchen Soffe